Each year over the past four years, I have taken part in National Nature Photography Day. Each year I try to get out on the same day, roughly the same time, at or near the same location as the year before.
This is on the Poudre River taken in the early morning on June 15 2006. A fairly typical summer morning, created some stunning light on the trees.
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This is the same location, same day, exactly one year later. This morning had some warm morning light that was being filtered through some really think fog. I was so excited when I looked outside my window to see the fog!
This was taken the same morning as the one above, but on the Colorado State University Campus. This one was serendipity! I was trying to rush to a different location to get a shot of the fog before it lifted, when I got stuck at a train...argh! While waiting, I looked over and saw this gorgeous field with the fog, and had to pull over and shoot it.
I decided to mix it up a bit in 2009. This image is taken farther north of the Poudre River here in Fort Collins. This is a pond that is reserved as a "natural area" by the city that is adjacent to the Poudre. This was taken in the evening..and I was being tortured by mosquitoes while taking this shot!
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This is taken the same time/year as the one above. Just a little bit earlier in the evening, and a slightly different location. I was loving the reflection of the clouds in the water, but my favorite part is in the lower right hand corner with the star burst coming through the reeds.
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This one is taken roughly the same time, and at the same location as the previous two, but at a different view of the pond. This is turning into one of my favorite pictures from this series, and I almost didn't go out that night!
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I am in awe of how I have been able to capture such a wide variety of different images over the past four years, and I thought I would share them with you, starting from the 1st year back in 2006.
Not only is it neat to see the landscapes change, and how the same place can look so drasticly different in a years time, it is fun to see the progression you make as a photographer. To see how my tone has shifted as I finally found my tone this year, and the way I see is different too...fun to look back at these!
Not only is it neat to see the landscapes change, and how the same place can look so drasticly different in a years time, it is fun to see the progression you make as a photographer. To see how my tone has shifted as I finally found my tone this year, and the way I see is different too...fun to look back at these!

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This is taken the same time/year as the one above. Just a little bit earlier in the evening, and a slightly different location. I was loving the reflection of the clouds in the water, but my favorite part is in the lower right hand corner with the star burst coming through the reeds.
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